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April 14, 2005


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B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!!!! Keep those posted pics comin'!!! XO Lyns


Tess - I am absolutely thrilled to see those 3 thriving!!!! Amazing!
All of your children are just gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

Karen W


thank you Tess and Charles for the new pictures! your children are so adorable!


Absolutely WONDERFUL. Their pictures always bring a smile to my face and such warm feelings to my heart. Those babes are obviously a handful, but so absolutely precious. I could just eat them up!!

I really admire you, Tess.

Thinking of you today.....


They are so insanely beautiful. Sebastian seems to be the perfect big brother... lucky you! I am so glad you share their little faces.


Thank you so much for sharing your pictures. As has already been said, your children are totally gorgeous.


What little sweethearts. How fortunate you are to have 4 beautiful children :)


Beautiful pics, amazing how expressive they are, I sense fun in years to come!


Lovely! They are so beautiful! They are looking so much like Seb now. And is it Sela with the green eyes?

Thank you for sharing

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