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December 05, 2005


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"The LORD bless you
and keep you;
the LORD make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
the LORD turn his face toward you
and give you peace."
I love you and tomorrow is a new day!!!!! Carys is doing awesome, and she will grow into a beatuiful healthy amazing woman (kind of like her mom..!!) Missing you...xo lyns


I know what you are going through right now. I think we have stepped back in time right now. No eating for Blane, not even a bottle. Going to the dr soon. They told us while we were in the NICU "one step forward, two steps back" seems like that is happening right now. Wish you luck. Hope Jasper gets better soon. Hope Cary doesn't have to do the exercises very long.


Its so heartbreaking when our kids are sick or in pain. The Cutie Pie has always been pretty healthy and yet the few times when he's had a horrid ear infection or croup or a high fever, its terrifying and gut-wrenching to see him in pain. I can only imagine what the PT is like for you (let alone poor Carys)- she's so little and doesn't understand that its for her own good. Good luck- to both of you!


ah, my heart feels so sore. poor little carys, its not fair.

poor jasper

but especially poor tess, how scary this all is. its so hard being brave and grown up all the time.

much love, to all of you



Oh Tess, so much work. Just concentrate on the good times.

Granddad Blake

I will be with you and your family's corner and come out with you when it is time to start the next round.
Love Dad


OH, my sweet Carys! She’s so smart. Sorry for the muscle therapy. It really is better to do it now, plus, will she remember when she’s 18? Hope Jasper is on the mend. No yucky cough, is there? Could be pneumonia…

Auntie Pammie

I am sorry to hear about your rotten crappy &^%$#@! day.. I feel better for you after writing out those words. Carys is a trooper and she will thank-you in years to come for doing those exercises with/for her. She has overcome many many milestones and with HER determination along with her parents/family/friends love and support, will sail through this with ease.
I hope JJ is feeling better, I dont like the blue lips part.... hmm I only wish I could be there to help. Loads of love to all of you.
Auntie Pammie xoxo


Thinking healthy thoughts at your sweet babies.

All my best.


Sending prayers and best wishes for a much better day tomorrow! For Jasper to get better quickly (and quit that blue-lips thing!). For Carys to keep on running (woo-hoo!) and to get used to the therapies, and grow strong in all her muscles.
And for Tess, to recover your usual courage, optimism and grace under fire!
And for Sela and Charles to stay well and happy, of course.
Best wishes to all of you,
and thank you for sharing little snippets of your lives with your online friends,


Ooops, I forgot Sebastian - so sorry!
Stay well and happy, Sebbie, keep everyone laughing and playing. You are a charmer! I'm praying for you too.

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