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December 06, 2005


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I do not know him but will root for the lad.

Last year I lost two of my "kids" that I followed online, praying every day. Both were under 2 years old. I was devastated. I didn't know them in person, only online, but the families touched me. God bless all of the sick children. May they have a Christmas of no pain and suffering.


Hey, I've just found your blog and added it to my blog list. Let me know if you'd rather not be there.

For two years I've been following another caring bridge blog - http://www2.caringbridge.org/ma/jennamarcella/ and it's amazing to see these kids fighting on despite it all. I hope Jacob is able to fight of his disease and get back to being a kid like Jenna has.


Thank you for sharing Jacob's story with others. He and his family can use all the prayers and positive thoughts for strength, courage and healing. His story is truly amazing, as is his family's faith. And it touches me so deeply because Jacob and his brothers are very close in age to my children. I can't believe how much we take for granted in our daily lives. We're all so richly blessed, and Heather does a great job of reminding us to be thankful, and to be mindful of the needs of others.
I LOVE Jacob's latest photos at home! What a miracle, once again.


so so sad

jwlqz asrw

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