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February 06, 2007


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Auntie Pammie

JJ, you are so grown up now. Auntie is so proud of you. Now if your sisters would master the potty you could all be together at school
Love Auntie P


How fantastic for Jasper! You go BOY!

Maureen aka Mo aka Grandmother aka Mozilla

Oh JJ! I am just as proud of you on Mummy's blog as I was of you on Daddy's!! Well done, big boy, and thank you for giving Mummy a kiss - she needed it.

Much love, Mo xox

Blake Lyons aka Grandad Blake

Good man JJ. Tomorrow we will talk about small cap stocks and how to raise venture capital.
Love, Grandad Blake


What an exciting day...congratulations to Jasper! Also tess I have to say that one of the things that makes your blog worth reading is your brilliant little inserts, such as that the girls were walking around like the greek chorus. perfect.

Good luck to Jasper in kindergarten!


My My Jasper. What a BIG BOY you are!! I must say that Bubs is quite envious of your school activity. He is so ready to start.

Tess....you could blog about crackers and peanut butter and still make me cry. I love you. And I think you are even more marvelous without makeup.

p.s. I'm not ready for this growing up biz.


Just wait until he starts asking for the car to go pick up his girlfriend. It all goes too quickly.

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