here is another link for you, have fun with it. i personally am not all that assured of it's accuracy. in its attempts for alliteration, i think they lose something in the accuracy. however, having said that, it is an interesting analysis.
share the results. i am choleric something.
for the past four days i have had a ray of redlight in my life. one of my best friends from forever is visiting me. how good a friend is she? i don't really want to take the time to write, because i don't have a lot of time left with her, and don't want to post while she is here. but let's just say i don't have a high school picture of the two of us, because there was so much big hair, we couldn't both get in the frame.
she is beautiful, reddish blonde hair that she is now straighting, instead of backcombing. she is still optimistic and interested. she enchants locals with her questions and her attempts to master the language. having her here is easy and good, we know each other well even though we haven't spent time with each other in years. ben and magnificent get along well, and both she and ben love hong kong.
we first really got to be friends one day during debate class, she was pro choice and i was pro life. we led the debate, and i don't think any one else really spoke. but we did, afterclass too. we did'nt agree on a lot of politics, but we sure liked each other. and nothing has changed.
i am caught in the middle at times, she is trying to nudge me towards taking them into discount shops and ben is trying to get a sense of the geographical layout of things. not that i don't have any experience with this sort of thing and my own parents, and i handle it well. she is a great shopper, no hemming and hawing and price debates. ben really has nothing to be upset about.
i love her because she made an effort for me. her business trip took her to beijing and she said, "how could i not be in beijing and not come and see you?" and she did make the effort for us. that overwhelms me. i love that even though we have spent very little time together, we have had a wonderful time and we still get along so very very well.
i have been so blessed to have friends like this in my life. friends who will come visit me, friends who want to. annemiekes and oprahs. old friends. new friends. my friends.
i think yeats said it best.....
think where man's glory most begins and ends,
and i say my glory was i had such friends
Melancholy Phlegmatic. what does that mean anyway?
i would bet most of your friends think they are the lucky ones. i know i do.
Posted by: knobody | May 11, 2007 at 11:34 AM
You know I love our regular chats. I'm blessed to have you in my life.
Much love,
ps - hope the weather is cooperating.
Posted by: Oprah | May 11, 2007 at 06:15 PM
LMAO-this used to be a big thing to do in Amway in the 90's- I actually have an old printed one somewhere in a box ;-)
I am melancholy-phlegmatic too Knobody!
Posted by: Stephanie | May 13, 2007 at 03:58 AM
You seem to attract the melancholy-phlegmatic combo - I'm another one.
Posted by: elaine | May 14, 2007 at 11:34 PM
I love my Egyptian Cotton Sheets for their super smooth luxurious feel and softness. The best thing about them is they will last you for decades as they actually improve with age and washing.
Posted by: Jeanette | April 16, 2008 at 09:08 AM