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November 10, 2008


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Auntie Pammie

Oh oh... :-)


you should have seen what i saw in the playground this arvo Tess! Adam and Sela pretending to be asleep under the same dolly blanket on the bridge!x


gah !!!!


tara, are you seriously serious??
ps - great birthday cake the other day. just as good as last years.


ahhh young love...i remeber clearly the "boy friend" i had in Kinder...so sweet...he gave me a dried daisy for v-day..he picked it and pressed it himself! Adam is one lucky fella!!! love ya..lyns


tess, i am sure it's not a puppy love.


You better keep an eye on her Tess:) LOL

My daughter just turned 8 and showed me in her diary when she was FIVE where she had written "I am in luv with _______" and the name of her older brother's then 15-year-old friend!?!?!? He is now over 17 years old and she is still nuts about him!

God help us!


And how old are they now??

Too sweet though!!

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