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November 22, 2008


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Mo aka Maureen aka Grandmother aka Mum

Thank you for sharing this e-mail with us all, Tess. What a privilege to serve this family as they grieved. You did a wonderful job, sweetheart.

Much love, M xox

Auntie Pammie

I have to say that you really do learn about who our friends are in time of need.What a great job you did.
Love Pammie
please give those 4 kidlets a squeeze for me.

Dad aka GDad Blake

Some people claim pride is a sin. I will take my chances and accept any consequences. I am proud of you sweetheart'
Love to all...Dad


it's always heartbreaking when someone so young dies. my heart goes out to her friends and family. she was obviously much loved, and moved a great many people. we should all hope to have half her impact on the world.

and you are such a wonderful person to help do so much for one you barely knew.

Louise M

Having walked the path the Farrell's are now on when my 15 year old son died March 30, 2004, I can tell you that your help was appreciated more than you can ever imagine. My heart goes out to the family, and thank-you for sharing this with you internet family.


Wow, this brings back memories. My 13 year old brother died in his sleep in August of 2005. What a nightmare to walk in and find your child gone, no warning. My Dad found him when he went to check on him at 5 that morning and my mum heard my dad's moans and crying, that was how she discovered that her baby was gone.

Thanks for sharing this Tess. My oldest son will turn 16 tomorrow and it just really makes one realise who suddenly something like this can happen.

Will be praying for the family.

Surmayee Tetarbe

megan was one of my good friends
the memories of what you're talking about are still fresh in my mind.
but i know she's okay now.
thank you for sharing this here, i know megan impacted so many people in so many different ways.


Interessante Informationen.

Kate Docherty

I have just heard the sad news from a friend in Hong Kong. I knew Julie and girls quite well but lost touch when I left HK 3 1/2 years ago. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

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