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February 21, 2009


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Happy 5th Birthday Jasper, Sela and Carys. Looks like you had a wonderful party and your prayers were answered. The cake looks divine, if you ever do a cake walk fundraiser at school, Charles' cakes would be the first to be chosen.

Mo aka Maureen aka Grandmother aka Mum

Yay for your birthday, Sela, Carys and JJ. What a great party you had and your prayers helped bring about blue skies :-) You make Mo and Grandad Blake so happy just because you are you! Happy Birthday!!

Much love, M xox


They are such beautiful little ones! Happy birthday Sela, Jasper and Carys!


Happy Birthday guys!!!! WOW!! Where did the time go? Which means its five years ago today that I found out I was expecting Keighely....crazy eh...you and Jin gave birth on the same day and I discoverd I was going to have Keighley!!!

Wish we could have been there to celebrate with all of you!!! xo Lyns

Josie L

Tess, I am friend of Odila's and just wanted you to know that I enjoy your blog of your beautiful chickies.



Wait a minute... what about MY birthday in July?


I would like it known that even at my advanced aged this is MY idea of a perfect birthday celebration. Hope everyone had as much fun as the pictures seem to show, and much thanks for sharing so quickly - even with pictures! (Thank you to MC for uploading those, I'm sure.)


Alex Crossing

Hi Tess, So glad the day went well. And a big Happy Birthday to your delicious kiddies! I am impressed as always with Charles' cake making skills - fabulous - do you hire him out? Pity I am in Singapore now..... Caitlyn is wanting a Cowgirl/Pirate/Fairy/Tiger party all in one - any ideas on a suitable cake for this combination of themes??? I hope you have now had a well deserved rest! love, Alex Crossing

Dad aka GDad Blake

Once the firetruck arrives we shall light the candles on the joint triplets/ Granddad cake.

Love to all.....Dad

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