Sebastian was most upset at not going to Canada this summer because it meant he could not go to sleepaway camp.
Last year he was all pumped and primed for a sleepaway camp, which was cancelled due to evacuations.
This year, he was ready and so so excited.
When my parents started suggesting we needed a) to have a plan b for the summer and b) talking about how the weather forecasts indicated there would be more fires in the Okanagan region it became apparent that since I can't drive, I needed to examine some home truths about the situation. My parents were pretty adamant about the situation, and what their friends were telling them, and so we decided to stay in Hong Kong. We couldn't risk another expensive summer like last year.
Sebastian was "okay" with the decision, but he was also sad about not going to sleepover camp.
And then my friend Bec learned of a sleepaway camp, just a three day two night "sports and adventure camp" and she signed the boys up. It meant Sebastian couldn't do the Optimist Two sailing week, but we did NOT care! We were thrilled!
Sunday I was awakened at 6.15am by my firstborn who inquired as to whether we should start packing NOW? or NOW? I suggested LATER. Sunday night, we were busy packing important items like a polo shirt Seb could wear golfing, toothbrush and toothpaste, and I optimistically packed a towel even though it wasn't on the list. ("We're not going to have a shower, this is great!") And I called the camp and asked if I could pack snacks for them. They said that was fine, and so Charles bought chippies, gummies, granola bars and other treats. I labelled them, "eat this monday" "Eat this tuesday" and packed it quietly away. I wrote three letters.
And Monday, seb was awake at 5.45am asking me when Bec would come and pick him up. Before Charles left for work we prayed for Seb, and Charles reminded me to take pictures.
And ahem, I would have, but I couldn't, because Bec came to the door, and thankfully, I barely had time to hug my boy, when he was comparing what he had brought to what Alex had brought, and then were pressing the button to the lift and I was giving him a cuddle, and a kiss, and telling him I would pick him up and then he was gone. VOOM.
Seb was so happy I didn't think much about him during the day, and when I did, it was with a smile.
And last night, the phone rang at 8.35pm.
"Hello Mummy"
"Sebbie! I love you so much! How are you? Are you having fun?"
Absolutely all the wrong things to say. I should have just shut up and let him talk. However, it was okay, because...
"I am having a fun time mummy. I had three glasses of Fanta (hence the chattiness??) and chips and pizza for dinner!"
Is it fun?
Yes, we are having a lot of fun.
Did you find my treats?
Yes, and I wanted to ask, may I eat them?
Yes, they are for you and your friends! You need to share them!
Oh thank you mummy! We will eat them tomorrow! That's great!
Are you in a tent with Alex?
Yes. Right now everyone is playing basketball or tug of war. They need me.
We miss you very much Sebastian!
(Carys and Jasper had to talk and add how much Seb was missed).
But where is Sela, mummy?
She is asleep honey!
Well why are JJ and Carys awake?
Because they wanted to tell you how much they miss you.
Well where is daddy?
He is still at work, honey, but he loves you so much and he will be so happy you called! I love you Sebbie!
Yes, and mum,
(I can hear other kids in the background and I figure Seb is a bit shy). know when we are at Kennedy and I want to let you know I love you but I don't say it so I pull my ear?
Mummy, I am pulling my ear right now.
I know you love me Sebbie. And you probably need to get back to your friends now. If you call me tomorrow that is great, but if you don't, that is okay too. Don't worry, just have fun.
Okay, Mummy, I need to play tug-of war now. I love you, see you Wednesday!
Bye bye Sebbie
Bye bye Mummy
And he was gone, just like he should have been.
And as my little boy came down from his Fanta High and lay in his tent looking at the clear skies through the tent window, I sat and smiled and realised I was the one who was over the moon.
Thanks for the worthwhile guidelines. I am positive they'll be extremely helpful. Thank You :).
Posted by: Phillip Greenwood | July 21, 2010 at 01:18 AM
hey, this makes me cry!
Very cute, I pull my ear for you too Tess-Sweets.
Posted by: Mel | July 23, 2010 at 02:48 PM
Oh, he's growing up more and more.
Posted by: Joeinvegas | July 24, 2010 at 12:03 AM
What a beautiful recount. Your words, as always, fill in all the spaces and capture the moment. I've been meaning to ask if he called....
Love you,
Posted by: Denby | July 24, 2010 at 09:15 PM
Sigh and sigh again. Just beautiful, Tess. Love you.
Posted by: Mo aka Mum aka Maureen Lyons aka M | July 26, 2010 at 07:47 AM
Fire at Bear Creek today. The road was closed about 3 hours after we left for Vancouver. There were fires at Westbank last week.It seems our dire predictions may be coming true.
Please give my regards to all of you( include yourself in that group).
Love to all....Dad
Posted by: Gdad Blake | July 26, 2010 at 08:04 AM
I miss your posts!!
Posted by: Kathleen999 | November 13, 2010 at 10:22 PM
Me too! I've never commented before, but I do hope you are okay.
Posted by: carrie | November 29, 2010 at 06:05 AM