Before I launch into today I've got a question - should I keep the kindness things to myself? I am definitely committed to doing them. I'm happy to inspire people to do similar things, but I don't want this to be all "Wah wah, I did a kindness today, don't you think I am great?" There is something to be said for anonymous kindness. You tell me what to do.
We are at a point where the triplets mental maths is overtaking Sebastian's. This is difficult for everyone involved. Unless they are cross with Sebastian, the triplets feel embarrassed that they are coming up with the answers faster. Seb is frustrated, and of course, I fall back on the sadness. And of course, I begin overanalysing on how he must be feeling, what this is doing to him, etc etc etc.
Sela, Jasper and Carys "get" that Sebastian has special needs. The siblings stick up for each other, and this is good. However, if Seb is being a right PITA, then they will tell us right away, in the loudest voice possible. My kids aren't so fabulous in the quiet department.
Saturday night we went to a party for Helen, our favourite non related "welative". Helen is staying with us this week. Last night after the kids went to bed, Helen and I stayed up chatting. Twice Charles came in to ask us to be quieter. Twice! We were not being loud! Has he HEARD his kids?
It is good to have a girlfriend here to giggle with, especially one who loves all the kiddies and magnifent as well.
I like it when you share the kindness moments. It makes me reflect on my own day and the kindnesses I experienced.
Posted by: jill | January 21, 2014 at 10:41 AM
I've been reading your blog for years, but don't think I've ever commented. I'm so glad to have you back! I like reading about your kindness. It spurs me on to practice kindness myself. It never entered my mind that it could be bragging. Keep up the good work!
Posted by: Elle | January 21, 2014 at 12:15 PM
Share! I need the inspiration!
Posted by: Kim Navarette | January 21, 2014 at 08:40 PM
Please continue to share your daily kindnesses. It helps me to remember to act accordingly. So happy your back!
Posted by: Nancy | January 22, 2014 at 09:36 AM
I love it when I read or hear about any kindness at all. The universe needs it, and I think knowing that's it's happening helps it spread.
Gorgeous updated photo banner! Your kids are beautiful, Tess.
Posted by: Val | January 22, 2014 at 12:40 PM
I love the new header, Tess, with updated photos of the kids!
I certainly didn't see your kindness updates as bragging. I suspect that sharing those moments gives you a sense of accountability and helps you remember to keep on doing them and it certainly provides a great example for those of us who read about them.
Posted by: Elaine | January 23, 2014 at 07:37 AM